Friday, December 12, 2014

I Literally Cannot Stop Crafting. Help.

I'm totally serious. Now that I've moved back home, I have oodles of time to craft whatever my heart desires, which is a lot of painted jars and wine corks. I do apologize for not having pictures of the steps for each item, I got a little carried away and forgot to snap a few pictures in the process. However, I will explain in great detail :) 

Disclaimer: this is going to be a very long post. #Sorrynotsorry.

Wine Corks Galore!

The first craft I'll explain is my beloved wine cork coasters. I found a lady who was selling a bag of 50 corks for $5 - score! I actually eventually ended up buying three bags. Oops.

I loved making these because they were SO easy, literally anyone with a hot glue gun can handle this one. 
Materials needed:
- wine corks (eight per coaster)
- hot glue gun
- ribbon (optional)
- glass tile (optional)
The first coasters I made were extremely experimental. I have seen the pictures on Pinterest, but didn't really go off of a tutorial. I started out by grabbing two that were similar in size. I hot glued along the long side of one cork, and stuck it on the other. I did this four times, so there were four sets of two glued corks. I then glued them all together, in what you see as the vertical/horizontal pattern. And then, YOU'RE DONE. That's it. Of course, you can make however many coasters as you have corks, at the time I had enough for six coasters. 
To take them one step further after they were done, I took some spare glass tiles I had lying around from when my parents redid their kitchen, and glued them along the edges of two coasters. Once they were done, I wrapped them up in ribbon, and now they sit in my basement, waiting for a good home.
Final cost:
- Corks: $15 (for 150 corks), bought online
- hot glue/gun: free, had on hand
- tiles: free, had on hand (you can buy them at Lowe's for $1-$20/sq. foot)

My next craft also included wine corks. I made a wine cork memo board. Actually, memo boards. As in several. I got a little out of control with the corks...

But it turned out super cute! 
Materials needed:
- wine corks (36 total for this size, adjust to your liking)
- burlap accents
- buttons
- ribbon
- pins
I started a lot like the coasters. I grabbed four corks, and glued them end-to-end. I did this nine times. I then took each set of four and glued them lengthwise to each other. After a few minutes, they were all glued together. I noticed it was a bit flimsy, so I cut out a piece of cardboard big enough to cover the entire back with out being exposed. I glued it on the back, and secured the corks. Next, I took the burlap flowers and glued them on. On top, I added the cute buttons, and it was really looking good! I decided to add on a string, in case someone would want to hang it rather than just prop it against a wall or something. I cut a piece of ribbon and tied knots on both sides. I pushed a pin on each end, and hot glued them in for good measure. Viola! Another project complete (:

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